essay writing tips

What To Know About The Structure Of A Critical Analysis Essay

The goal of a critical analysis paper is to carefully evaluate the work of literature or one or more of its particular aspects. Like it is the case with any other such works, you will be required to break down the subject into different component parts. The goal of examining the different elements in a literature piece is not the end itself but is just a process that is aimed at helping you understand the piece of work better. For instance, when analyzing a poem, you might handle different types of images or the relationship between the content and form of the poem. When analyzing a play, you may be required to analyze the relationship between the main plot and the subplot.

What is the objective?

The objective or aim is to support your idea. You will need a lot of control and organization to succeed in this kind of writing. It is important for the piece to have a topic and a central idea also known as a thesis. This should consist of several paragraphs that are drawn out of a central idea. Everything that you include in the introduction should directly relate to a central idea and should help the reader to understand the central idea. The statement should let your readers know what they should expect.


You should also have an introduction. The aim of this part is to capture the interest of the reader. This brings an immediate focus to the subject. You can introduce the subject using a provocative question, a quotation, a startling statement, a brief anecdote or even a combination of all these. It may also be necessary to include some background information that is relevant to the work.


After the introduction, you should go to the body of the piece. This is where you will develop the central idea of your literary analysis. This section should have at least 3 paragraphs if you are writing a 500 words work. You should explain your idea and show evidence from the text whether a play, poem or short story to support the ideas. You should have a topic sentence in every paragraph which should be the first sentence. This sentence should relate the paragraph to the main idea or supposition. The topic sentence should also relate the details of the paragraph together. The developmental paragraphs should aim to explain, summarize, provide specific details and offer direct quotations aimed at supporting and developing a more general statement that you have made in the topic sentence.


Finally your work should have a conclusion. The aim of this part is to give the article a sense of completeness. It informs the readers that they have come to the end of the paper. You may use this part to restate the introduction but in different words, to summarize the key points made or have a relevant comment on the literary work.

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