essay writing tips

How to Write a Five-Page Essay: Planning Tips You Should Apply

After you write many five-page essays, the job becomes easier. At first, the writing can be overwhelming for you. Five pages is a long paper, but you can master it. Use the following tips for writing a five-page paper to make the writing process go easier.

  • Use credible databases when you research: Using bad references will undermine even the best-formatted and written paper. If your school has recommended databases, use those.
  • Have an outline: A well-structured outline will make your job ten times easier. Taking the time at the beginning of the paper to organize and plot a plan will save time as you write the paper.
  • Do not be afraid to change the outline: Never stick with an outline that is not working. You simply will end up with a bad paper. Changing your outline is a natural process in the writing of the paper. Embrace your corrections.
  • Break the paper into segments: Do not attempt to sit down and write the whole paper all at once. Separate the paper into manageable portions and pace yourself. The job will be easier and your final product will be better.
  • Plan on writing a rough draft or two: Most writing teachers will require you to compose a rough daft. Then the rough draft ill is submitted for teacher or peer corrections. Letting another person look at you writing means that more mistakes can be caught. Additionally, the proofer reader may have some ideas about your construction or composition that may be helpful. Let the paper breathe a few days before your begin the final draft if possible.
  • Always cite your sources: Make sure you always cite your sources and you include a Works Cited or Bibliography page. You do not want to get caught plagiarizing and if you do not do this, plagiarizing is what you are doing.
  • Help: Always ask for teacher, tutor, peer, professional writing company, or writing lab help if you get stuck while writing your five-page paper. Never be afraid to ask for help if you are in over your head.

Writing a five-page paper can be daunting. Make sure to have a nice, quiet and clean place to work, meet all your deadlines, see the teacher for questions, be ready to write rough drafts, and follow the handy rules above for writing it successfully.

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