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Development of Primary Sources

Is there a specific process of developing primary sources? In a lab experiment, researchers have to follow an order to record the process and results of their experiment. On the other hand, photographers or historians do not require a process to collect raw data. However, a closer examinations of the two scenarios show that the end result is the creation of primary sources. Therefore, whether there is a process or not, there is development of primary sources. Although the two instances appear distinct, all primary sources go through the process of collection and storage of raw data to develop.

As the first step of developing primary sources, collecting raw data entails capturing an event or fact without alterations. A researcher can decide to use digital or non-digital means to gather information. In digital means, a researcher uses technology to capture the unprocessed raw facts. For instance, a researcher may use a camera or a video recorder to capture the process of an experiment. On the other hand, a researcher does not use technology in non-digital means to collect data. An excellent example is where a researcher writes down information about an experiment in a notebook.

After collecting data, storing of the unprocessed information is the second step of developing primary sources. Since primary sources are a collection of raw information, the method of collecting data denotes the method of storing unprocessed information. For instance, data collected by the use of a camera is either stored in a memory card or developed on paper. In non-digital means such as a diary, where poet record their feelings manually, is a method of storage. At this point, the researcher decides the information that is worth keeping or deleting. Eventually, a collection of raw information is stored together to become a primary source.

Although it is difficult to describe a clear process, collecting and storing of raw data is the standard procedure of developing primary sources. Based on the above facts, all unprocessed data has to be collected and stored in the original state to form primary sources. Additionally, the methods of collecting data determine the mode of storing information. Another fact worth noting is that the researcher determines the information to be stored. As a result, this creates the question of whether the source is credible or not. In either way, there is development of a primary source living readers with the task of identifying credible sources from the group.

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