essay writing tips

Composing an Introduction Paragraph for an Evaluation Essay

In writing an evaluation essay, your goal is to create and put forth some kind of criteria and then critically evaluate a given subject based on the criteria. It’s a great way to practice analytical skills and presenting an arguable side or position. You should fully explore the subject and provide your argument with supporting evidence. This article will focus on how to compose a great introduction paragraph for this kind of assignment:

  • Start with an interesting statement
  • All of the best essays start off with a really good opening statement – also referred to as the hook. There are several methods for writing an interesting hook. You can start off with a quotation, or perhaps a question. Whichever you choose, remember that it has to be interesting enough that the reader will want to move one with the rest of your essay.

  • Introduce your subject quickly
  • The next sentence after your hook should introduce your subject. There are several things you might want to consider depending on what you will be evaluating. For instance, if you are providing an analysis of a novel, then you should focus on one specific aspect about that novel. Keep your approach simple and you should have an easier time writing the content of your paper.

  • Provide some background information
  • If the subject of your paper requires you to provide some background information in order for the reader to understand what it is you will be discussing, provide this content immediately after introducing the subject. Try to put your subject into context or recognizable aspect with which the reader can identify. Define some common terms or keywords you think might be important.

  • Provide the basis of your criteria
  • The next few sentences should define your precise criteria as well as a brief explanation on why you decided to use these criteria. Be sure to touch on your reasoning, especially if you can reasonably expect someone else to take on a different approach if given the chance. Don’t make assumptions about what the reader knows or doesn’t know. Explain things clearly to prevent any confusion.

  • Write your thesis statement
  • Finally, end your introduction paragraph with a thesis statement that presents your side or opinion in a clear and concise way. Remember that you are presenting an argument that you must defend. It can’t be a vague statement with which everyone could agree. It should be a statement that someone can critically argue against using the same or related academic evidence you propose.

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