essay writing tips

Seven Reflective Essay Writing Tips to Keep in Mind

The reflective essay challenges the writer. It is a means by which, in writing, thoughts and emotions about a given event are displayed. This is not by any means a rant. Whatever is put down on paper must be well written and display good critical thinking. You can be successful in writing such a composition if you keep just a few things in mind as you are doing it.

  1. Consider Your Topic Thoughtfully. Assuming that you are allowed to choose the subject, examine its impact for personal view. Did it make a change in your life? Were your opinions changed dramatically because of it? These thoughts help you develop the rest of the essay.
  2. Identify Your Arguments. What are those elements that influence your thoughts regarding the subject? The arguments ought to be organized into separate sections that you will be discussing as you write the essay. Ideas and reflections which will support each argument should be developed.
  3. Do A Power Opening. This is true with almost any composition you write. You must grab the reader by the collar and focus his or her attention on what you are writing. Immediate engagement of the reader is what you are attempting with the opening sentences.
  4. Showcase Your Arguments in the Body. This section is the largest part of any essay and you will be discussing your arguments and ideas within it. For the sake of structure only have one argument per paragraph and make a complete with reflections and examples.
  5. Use the I carefully. A reflective essay will permit you to show your personal impressions. Saying “I felt this way” or “I believe this to be true” are acceptable, but you are still writing for a grade. Be careful not to turn this into a diary.
  6. Stay Coherent. Hunter Thompson may have gotten away with not paying attention to structure, but you cannot afford that. Make certain that you are still following recognized structure so that the entire piece remains organized.
  7. Optimize The Conclusion. Give a summary of your thoughts in the opening sentences of the conclusion. Let the reader know how you have grown from an experience and the use it may have for others. You can challenge the reader to think about something similar that may have happened to them and how they might benefit.

This type of assignment is a means of sharpening your writing skills and making your composition work that much better. Some of this may be little bit difficult, but it is instructional. Think of it as a test of your writing ability which you can pass.

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