essay writing tips

How to pick a suitable topic for an essay

So you sit down in your class, waiting for the essay to write, and your teacher brings you a list of topics to write about. And you don't like any of them. Or the professor assigns an essay for homework on the topic of your choosing, and you can't think of one. What can you do?

With the following helpful advice, you won't have to worry about writing the correct paper ever again.

  • Examine your choices. If the professor gave you a list of topics, look it over again. If the professor gave you free reign, think about some recent themes you already went over in class. You actually have a lot of choice in the matter. <./li>
  • Use techniques to narrow down your choices. First off, Brainstorm. Use your phone or a clock to set a timer for 60 seconds. In that amount of time, write down all the topics on the list you were given that you would actually care to write about, even if it's a very remote possibility. If you weren't given a list, write down all the topics that you would care about, even silly ones. Your mind will help you focus and narrow down the list. Another method is the Book Game. Think of five books, magazines, e-books, movies, video games or anything else that you enjoy and write them down. Presto, you've got a list of topics for your essay. If you were given a list of topics, see if the Book Game brings up any results that even remotely match any of the topics, like a favorite movie scene or a memorable book character. If so, you can do a comparison between the topic and the Book Game results, and voila! You've got an essay topic.
  • Define the topic. How do you do that? Start by determining how the topic will be written. Can it be put into several categories? If your topic is on “motorcycles” you can change it around to what kind of motorcycle to buy, how to maintain and repair them, and things you need to know and have before riding one. Also ask a lot of questions in your essay. Is there a concept that your teachers wants you to connect with your essay? Is there a specific purpose to your essay? Ask a lot of questions so you can find your footing and make a good paper.
  • Gather your resources and write. A good essay will have plenty of evidence, sources and facts that you can use to pump up and fill out your essay. Look through physical libraries for books, magazines and other periodicals that can help your position, and don't forget to properly source everything according to the writing style you're using.

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